24 April 2015

Young’s Pubs celebrate St George’s Day

0 min read
Young’s Pubs celebrate St George’s Day
Annabel GibsonWritten ByAnnabel Gibson

Annabel is the Marketing Coordinator at Propeller, taking on the production of social media communications, creating copy for articles and contacting external agencies for collaborations.


This St George’s Day, Young’s Pubs are giving their customers a complimentary pint of Young’s Bitter, Young’s London Stout or Bombardier in one of their great selection of pubs.

This promotional campaign, sent from 119 pubs, with nearly one million subscribers in total, encouraged their customers to receive this special offer for one day only whilst commemorating our patron saint.

The eye-catching graphic design was fundamental to the success on this campaign, as our goal was to engage and entice as many customers to participate in this exciting promotion.

Through the implementation of our custom eMarketing platform, we were able to simplify the customer’s journey by directing them immediately to the voucher page on the www.youngs.co.uk website. The customer then had a one-click process into printing the voucher and became one step closer to receiving their free pint without all the hassle.

Through this technology, we believe the open rate and page clicks to entrants was particularly successful.

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Annabel GibsonAnnabel Gibson