Mobile First

Take a mobile first design approach and scale gradually to ensure a smooth, consistent user experience. From ecommerce to B2B we combine visionary website design that translates from small screens to large monitors. We work to deliver tailored digital strategies that cater to our clients growth.

What is Mobile First Web Design?

Mobile first web design prioritises the mobile experience when approaching web development and design. Unlike traditional responsive web design, it starts with mobile mock-ups which are then scaled up to the desktop view. The purpose of mobile web design is to improve the experience of mobile users, and its become increasingly popular because over 55% of web traffic now comes from mobile devices. 

What is Mobile First Web Design?

Our Mobile First Offering

Mobile-first design helps us focus on ensuring the user can digest your website simply and consistently across any size screen. We start small and scale gradually, making every interaction and flourish enjoyable for the customer on whatever device they’re using.

Mobile-first Web Design Process

  1. Discovery

    We begin by researching your market, target audience and competitors to build a high-performing website that outperforms your competitors.

  2. Informational Architecture

    Plan and tailor the user journey to mobile interactions, develop a mobile sitemap and craft mobile considered wireframes to guide the design process.

  3. Design & Development

    From planning to action. We create mobile-first designs with the user experience in mind: cue mobile-optimised images and custom code.

  4. Quality Assurance

    Our meticulous QA will run through your new website with a fine-toothed comb to ensure every aspect of your mobile-first design is ready for launch.

  5. Launch & Optimisation

    After launch day, we will work with you to continually update your website with the latest features to maintain and improve your search performance.

Propeller’s Recommendations for Mobile First Design

  • Content first: With smaller screens (compared to desktop), mobile first provides a great opportunity for copywriters to consider what’s most important and cut out the unnecessary text. 
  • Navigation: Make it easy for users to navigate your website, whatever device they are using. We often recommend building expandable hamburger menus to simplify the navigation panel. 
  • User-friendly interface: Consider touch interactions in your build, such as pinch, swipe, and tap actions. 
  • Visual hierarchy: Build a clear, visible hierarchy that considers users that are scrolling on long, narrow screens. Minimise visual clutter to avoid overwhelming users on smaller screens.
  • Readability: Make sure to have reactive font sizes. What works on desktop will be too big for mobile. We build pages that adapt to the scale of the device.
Don’t just take our word for it…

The Propeller team has a deep understanding of the business and its goals. They really know our business and our pubs inside out.

Jenny Alcock
Jenny Alcock

They are an innovative and excellent web agency, but I think what sets Propeller apart is the people. Easy to talk to, and always approachable.

Rosie Akenhead
Rosie Akenhead

They work as if they’re an extension of our team. The team is invested in our project — they truly want us to accomplish our goals.

Stephen Nason
Stephen Nason

Propeller have always responded promptly which has been hugely appreciated, thanks to the team for their support and patience.

Christie Valone
Christie Valone

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