In 2009, Google and Twitter had an agreement that allowed Twitter updates to be displayed on a dedicated feed. The deal expired in 2011 and the two decided not to renew terms. Google wanted to feed content from a range of social sites into its search results, as opposed to doing it exclusively for Twitter.
Google wanted to create a feed that pulled content from a huge variety of sources such as: Myspace Updates, Plixi, Me2day, Twitgoo, FriendFeed, Gowolla, Google Blog search links, Google Buzz posts and Google News links to name a few. Twitter would also be featured but not exclusively as the first deal had stipulated.
In principle this was a smart move by Google; they aimed to increase diversity of the content through sharing information from all over the world.
But what a thing hindsight is! Since 2011,
Myspace lost its popularity and names such as Gowolla, Friendfeed and Plixi have completely disappeared.
And all the while Twitter has gone from strength to strength, to the point where it is now considered to be the most relevant and up to date provider of news and instant content on the web.