To look at NLP as a whole can be daunting. This section will explore what it is composed of, and how these areas can be optimised to benefit your SEO.
Syntax Analysis
This is the process of analysing natural language with the rules of formal grammar. Grammatical rules are applied to categories and groups of words, and this analysis assigns a semantic structure to the text.
Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment refers to the feeling or emotional understanding associated with a query. According to BERT, there is positive, negative and neutral sentiment.
Sentiment in a phrase or page is represented by numerical score and magnitude values. Sentiment scores range between 1.0 (positive) and -1.0 (negative), with a score of 0 meaning neutral. It’s defined based on the words used in a search. Words like ‘good’ or ‘amazing’ being positive, and words like ‘bad’ or ‘terrible’ being negative. Sentiment is specifically useful for reviews and voice analysis.
If the majority of high-ranking pages for a given topic have an overwhelmingly positive sentiment and yours is negative, it is likely your page’s ranking will suffer as you won’t be classified as relevant.
Entity Recognition
An entity is a word or phrase representing an object that can be identified, classified and categorised. For example, a person, event or organisation. NLP locates and evaluates entities from your content.
As Google distinguishes these entities, it is capable of using the information gathered to best satisfy the user and provide more specific search results. For entities to be best understood, two further metrics need to be considered:
Categories are quite self explanatory in SEO, these are important to entity recognition to sift through pages and understand its purpose.
Defined as being important to or connected with something else, salience represents the entity’s importance in the body of text. For example, in an article about waking up, “morning” is more important than “evening”. Therefore, Google would score salience higher for morning than evening in this context.
In the past, keyword targeting has led to a predominant focus on keyword placement. Now, indicator keywords are becoming more important as they are important for NLP SEO. Using indicator keywords will generate context and relatedness, boosting your page’s salience.