When looking at how to translate premium brands into the online space, we should look at what they expect from luxury brands in general.
Immersive Experience
Luxury customers expect an immersive experience in store. So they should get this in their user experience online too. Luxury brands should immerse the user in the product. Why? Because over-explaining and telling the customer too much cheapens the experience (think big flashy bold signs and pushy shop assistants). So they should keep the product page design simple:
- Layout: Use big, high res product imagery that shows details. Keep it minimal with less products per row and plenty of space.
- Colour: Use black and white to contrast with product imagery.
- Typography: Use typography that compliments the imagery or shifts attention to it, not away from it.
- Imagery: Again, show the user, don’t tell them. Let users zoom in, use video, show different angles, and highlight important information.
- Motion: Make for a smooth browsing experience while focusing on the product. Keep it subtle and functional.
See more of our website design tips here.
Personalised Experience
Maintain the feeling of exclusivity and quality by personalising users’ online experience. Create dynamic landing pages based on previous behaviour (previous purchases, most visited pages, email subscribe lists).
LVMH’s 24 Sèvres enables personalised shopping through technology. They use live video chat to give shoppers a bespoke style consultation tailored to their needs. On the app, customers can chat with a stylist and browse the store at the same time.
Saks Fifth Avenue does something similar with its website and app providing access to professional stylists, editorial content, and interactive events.
Saving and Setting Products Aside
When shopping luxury goods, it’s a big investment. So customers take time making purchase decisions. Which means its vital to allow users to come back to their browsing. Luxury brands should therefore ensure they are allowing users to save products and then send email notifications at the correct intervals (every 1-3 months is good starting point at the beginning of the month when their pay check arrives!).
Purchase Validation
As mentioned above, one of the reasons that people shop luxury goods is the status symbol that it affords them. So validate this feeling in your online user experience. Show events that are exclusive for customers on the check out page. Or congratulate and welcome them to the brand community with an email or landing page that highlighted exclusive gated content.
Interactive Brand Content
Social media is key for luxury brands. Although not everyone in their massive audiences can afford their products (and they wouldn’t want them to (note previous points on exclusivity).
Chanel is leading this space with an engaged social media audience of 90 million.
Not only does this allow brands the power of word of mouth, and therefore keeping them top of mind for those with the purchasing power to invest, it also gives customers the opportunity to express themselves and give feedback, rather than brands pushing a narrative (Kristin Maa, Senior Vice President of Growth at Saks).