22 August 2024

Unlock Digital Success: 10 Expert Tips for Crafting Irresistibly Engaging Content

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Unlock Digital Success: 10 Expert Tips for Crafting Irresistibly Engaging Content
Oriana CiriloWritten ByOriana Cirilo

Oriana Cirilo is our Head of Marketing. Driving growth and raising awareness of our brilliant work, Propeller is her number one priority.

You don’t need an expert to tell you that crafting engaging content is key to capturing your audience’s attention and retaining it beyond the first sentence. The content that you publish should make readers want to read it, and your content should be designed with this question in mind: “Does this content connect with people and encourage them to engage?”

If you’re struggling to create engaging and interesting content for your customers, don’t fear. Propeller are here with 10 expert tips that will make your writing more impactful.

What is Engaging Content?

Engaging content is content that is valuable enough to capture and hold your audience’s attention, and provides a clear return on your time spent consuming it. It can have a number of different values, including: 

  • Intellectual: providing educational or knowledgeable content
  • Aspirational: Inspiring audiences to consider their perspective on a topic 
  • Emotional: Influencing your mood 
  • Social: Content that interests others in your social circle, which you can then share to increase your social capital 
  • Entertainment: Giving value through humour or intrigue

Engaging content helps to increase distribution and reach a wider audience. It also helps with building brand recognition and emotional connections. 

10 Tips for Creating Engaging Content

  1. Use Headers and Sub-headers

Using headers and sub-headers is great for drawing your readers’ attention to their areas of interest, and they help to keep your content organised and on track.

  1. Use Visuals

Make use of graphics and lists to entertain your readers. Sometimes, large bodies of text can be daunting to look at, putting you audience off before they even begin. Meanwhile, graphics such as pictures, videos, or charts and graphs are a great way to increase client engagement and entice your readers. By choosing powerful graphics, you may be able to convey an idea much easier than you could with text. A picture is worth a thousand words, after all…

While lists shouldn’t always be used, lists can be engaging to readers as they’re easy to follow and understand. They’re also easy for readers to scan through and get immediate information without having to read large amounts of text.

  1. Have a Call to Action

Every piece of content you create should have a call to action. At the end of each post, have a short sentence or paragraph telling readers what it is you want them to do, and give them the appropriate tools (such as a link) to do so.

  1. Edit, Edit, Edit Again

Even the best content can be ruined by a lack of a great editor. For best results, have someone else read your work before posting to check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors in addition to more creative or better ways to convey ideas and structure sentences.

  1. Write With Your Audience In Mind

If you want to engage your audience, you have to understand what makes them tick, from their motivations and interests to their absolute deterrents. Targeting you audience correctly will make them far more likely to build trust with your brand. If your audience feel like you understand them, they will be more inclined to choose your business over others. 

  1. Tell a Story

Some of the most engaging content is writing that tells a story and keeps the reader guessing. You can use stories to talk about products or services you offer, your business history, or anything else that springs to mind that would give your audience value. 

  1. Be Concise, Consistent and Clear

When creating content, you should keep your information short, sweet, and to the point. Following on from that, you need to be consistent in your content themes and publishing schedule.Readers will be more inclined to read your blog if they know that you’re posting consistently and that they can count on you for new content. Set up a posting schedule and stick to it.

Information should be stated in a way that is clear and easy to understand without room for ambiguity. Vagueness or ambivalence is rarely engaging, and your readers could get confused or frustrated by your aimless writing.

  1. Format Wisely

Format your content in a way that’s easy to read through. Consider best UX practices when publishing your content to your website: consistency, accessibility and usability to name a few. Even if your content is great, it can’t be engaging if it can’t be read!

  1. Use Keywords and Internal Links

Keywords will help to increase your search engine ranking while also help you to stay on topic and create content that is more engaging and interesting to your audience. Stay true to your title and keywords throughout the post to ensure that all content you’re creating is relevant.

Another great way to keep users on your website and continually drive traffic to your site is through internal links. When placed appropriately, internal links can help to create more engaging content and provide the user with relevant and useful information.

  1. Let Your Passion Shine Through

The most engaging content is content that’s written by someone who cares about what they’re writing about. Show your audience how you’re different by touting your unique selling points and convincing your audience that your content is one-of-a-kind.

In Summary…

Feel inspired to get writing? We certainly are, and our team of incredible content creators are on hand to help you. If you’re looking to produce more content for your website, from blogs and newsletters to pages and beyond, we have a proven track record of delivering high quality content on tight schedules. 

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